Sunday, December 20, 2009

Let's go to GW 3.

Do you know who is the teacher for course GW3?

Sunday, December 6, 2009

How r u PEOPLE?

It's so quiet.
Tell me your vacation everyone.
I hope you have wonderful days.

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

The Strange Seats

I was very scared in ghost, although I have never met before. I could not listen to, read, and see any horror stories. When I listen to, I often have a lot of imagination how that story go on and how it is frightening. After that I felt frightful. Moreover, I can not stay alone and do not sleep well all night because I have a nightmare.

About one year ago, my friend and I went to see a movie at Grand EGV, Siam Discovery. It was the first time for me to see a movie there. While we were buying tickets and looking for good located seats, I saw the space between seats on the screen. I asked a ticket seller why it had strange space in the middle of this row. He answered me that space had damaged seats. However, we chose seats in the same row where the abused seat was in. When we got into the pretty small theater, I found that a white string tied around two seats together. Those seats were closed to my seat. In this row, there were only my friend and I, nobody else. While I was seeing the movie, I often looked at those seats and could not concentrate on. I felt fearful and had many questions about what had happened, or why there were only us sitting in this row even though this row was a good position. Until a movie finished, we talked too much. We assumed that may be a couple died in those seats because there was a white string tied together. We would not see movies at that again in the future. When I see movies in the later, I usually look around every seat near my row.

Sunday, November 15, 2009

A Liltle Goal

I want to learn more to improve my English skills. In the past I did not use English Language for my job and my life. I could understand when I read easy passages, but I have big problems for the others skills such as Writing, Listening and Speaking. Therefore I started to study in English at AUA. When I was studying in the first course, I was very stressed out because I only understood some words when the teacher said and I could not answer to my friends and my teacher in English. At first, when I spoke in English, I usually thought in Thai sentences and translated to English sentences later. However, I didn’t know much in vocabulary, so it was hard to find the English words. I spoke slowly and often wrong.

Then I try hard to speak with my friends so that my Speaking skill gets better. My teacher advises me to read more, if I read more, I will see more sentences and know how these sentences consist of. My Reading and Writing skills are improving too. In the future, I have a little dream, I want to study abroad when I have good command in English. Therefore I keep try hard to learn in English and wait for the dream will become true.

Friday, November 13, 2009

How about General Writing 2!?

We already started to learn General Writing 2 on Nov 10, 09. Our teacher is so cute. She would like us to called her "Dee". The class's atmosphere is fun, but I felt sleepy too much because I go to bed late everynight. Professor "Dee" always has lovely smiles. On Thursday - Nov 12, she wore clothes look like Genie of the lamp in Araddin. Do you agree with me?? She is an attactive lady, maybe she has a magic. I love her laughing sound, it's cute!!

The last, but not ending "Do you finish writing homework??! Don't forget na ja!! Love you all xoxo!! Gossip Girl !!

Saturday, November 7, 2009

A Special Loy Kratong Day

It was fun to read about Loy Kratong, so here is what I did!

I went to Songkhla with another teacher from AUA. We were there for 3 days to have a workshop for AUA teachers in the south of Thailand. I didn't know that Songkhla was such a beautiful city! It has a wide beach that is lined with trees. There are a few quiet restaurants, but not a lot of development. There are also a lot of parks along the water. The streets are wide and clean, and many are lined with flowering "fung fah" plants - my favorite! There are a lot of government buildings too.

On Loy Kratong, we had dinner with a large group of people in an outdoor restaurant on the water. All around, people were lighting lanterns and releasing them into the sky. We saw hundreds of lanterns! After dinner, we lit our own - maybe 7 or 8 - and watched them float across the bay. It was so beautiful!!

I loved Songkhla, and I hope I can return there for a holiday. I'd like to ride a bike around the city and perhaps climb in the mountains nearby.

Congratulations to Khun Morn! And welcome to Term 7.

Hi everybody. It's great to see that people are visiting the blog!

I want to extend a big congratulations to Khun Morn, who took the Certificate Level re-test this week and passed! I know it's a difficult test, and it was great to see Morn persevere and win!

It was also great to see that Level 2 is open. A few new students will be joining the section. I told them what a great group you are - motivated, friendly and fun - so I hope you will welcome them.

I'll also speak to your new teacher, Demelza, and introduce her to the blog.

Please stop by the office to say hello. I will be on a new schedule for Term 7 (only), and not around too often in the evenings. But when I am, I will try to say hello!

Best wishes to everyone.

Saturday, October 31, 2009

The Last Day in General Writing 1 Class!! (but not the end)

I impressed the last day in General Writing 1 Class. We had a small party at class, but it was a pleasure party. While we were studying in this class. It was great time. Our class was warm and lovely. Our friends are friendly. Our teacher, Michael is kind and smart. He is an inspiring teacher to help us to improve writing skills. Before I learnt in this class, I didn't like to write in English and I didn't know a good process of writing. However, I got them from this class. Michael taught us to know a lot in writing such as how to use punctuations, word form, word order, SVA and create mind map. We got advantages to improve our writing. Therefore, we would like to tell you from our minds with loud sounds "Thank you very much a lovely teacher - Michael!!". Hope see you in a writing class again!!

Dear all friends,

I would like to invite all of you to continue to practice our writing skills by posting and comment in our blog. I would like to keep our blog, although some friends continue to study in next course - General Writing 2, you can share idea and access in this blog. We would like to keep in touch with everybody. We are friends. We have good memory in this class. I hope this blog as a center, we can meet together!! I miss you all!! (^ ^)/

Congratulations!!! to Nong A!!

Hope you get a Visa to US soon!! and congratulations to you that you passed the test and will get a certificate soon! I would like to get one 555++ because I want to get it from an ambassador. He looks smart and handsome! It's a good memory in life.

Monday, October 19, 2009

The iPhone & I wish to have oneday

iPhone is product of Apple company, The Apple is famous of mobile phone, computer and laptop. I would like to have iPhone of my own because it’s very popular, many people in the world are use it so it has various option that you adapt for your business and you can play games when you stressful.

Another, it is very simple of communication. I can use internet and check an email, watch TV in everywhere that I want, and iPhone can take photos as same a good camera, it’s very useful when I talk with my friend I can see them and I can send the photos to my friends immediately
Although I want to owner the iphone so much, but the cost of iPhone is very expensive for me then I make me save some money from now.

Technology has advantage and disadvantage, if you use it the true way, it helps you do everything earliest. On the other hand, if you use it for the bad way, maybe it has an effort for your life.

A Fad I Don’t Like

When I studied in high school. They have some trend that I don’t like. It’s young girls wore a little bit clothes such as wore big handkerchief by cover her chest and no bra. You can see them at the RCA.

At that time, young girls wore t-line single shirt, short pants, and mini skirt. They have a society to hang out in the night, even if they are under 18 year old. They can found way to come in bar by liar or borrow ID card from someone who has age more that 18 years old. In my school, it was popular if you shown you can went in a pub or you can drank alcohol and came to school very late. For this society they have to earn more money. They can earn money from lied their family or offered body to some guy, I can’t accept this way. They have to use stuff which is expensive or brand- name such as watch, bag, and accessories but I think that it‘s not necessary for student. Why you have to contest? Why you have to wear brand-name? If you would like to use some valuable stuff, you have to earn money by honest. If your family known about that, they will proud of your. Anyway, I want young girls realize about study more than fashionable.

Do You Have Pets?

Yeah! I have a lot of pets. At my home, I have cats, dogs and chicken. However, at this time I would talk about cats. I have five cats in my home. Two of them are male the other are female. The oldest cat is female we call her “Beam”. Beam is unkind mother because she did not feed all of her children and they died. In addition, Beam is unfriendly with the other cats. When the other cats come to her, Beam usually threatens. The other female cats are Civic and Meaw. Civic was born in my home, and Meaw came from my grand-ma house. When Meaw came to my home, Civic had a children. After that, Civic became a foster mother, she fed and took care of Meaw as if Meaw was her child. Name of Civic come from the generation of the car “Honda Civic” because Civic eyes have as same as the light of Honda Civic. Name of the 2 male cats are Deaw and Tour-Leck. We have reasons why we call them like that. First, Deaw is a cat who was blind because he was received an accident. When he was just a little boy, he was a naughty. He played with his partner and his partner slapped his eye. After that, Deaw has had one eye. Tour-Leck is a new cat in my home; he came from my grand-ma too. He is very very haughty because he is a kitten.

I am so happy when I see my cats. They usually hustle my legs and play with me. That can make me relax. So, I suppose you to have a pet for making you have a friend and not be lonely.

This is My Free Time

Even though I have a lot to do, but I still have some free time for leisure activities. On the weekends I usually spend time with CD player. Actually I love listening all the time, mostly pop music and R&B music, so when I have more free time, I went to sing a song at Central Rama 3 one hour to two hundred Bath, just Thai songs, but when I'd like to sing a English and Chinese songs, you'll going to Ratchada Road to many restaurants, there are have places to sing a song, maybe you could dancing too. One of my favourite things to do is to cook, I spent 1-2 hour to cook one method, because I often do on weekend and I don't want hurry to do it, and I remind everybody if you would like to taste my foods, you'll eat before I cook finish because my uncle have told me so terribly taste.LOL!!!!

Sunday, October 18, 2009

A Clothing Trend

Nowadays, Korean clothing is trendy in Thailand. Thai people are open-minded and easy to receive many trends. Most of TV channels in Thailand have Korean movies and Korean songs. Actors, actresses, boy bands and girl groups, all of them are good looking. However, most of them have plastic surgery. Therefore, they are attractive to Thai people. Although Thai people can’t understand Korean language, they are still crazy too much. Many people want to be like their Korean stars. For example, dress Korean clothes, copy Korean hair style, eat Korean food and try to learn Korean Language. There are many Korean clothing shops. You can see Thai teenagers like Koreans everywhere, especially at Siam Square.

A Pair of Shoes Please!

I'm into shoes right now! I haven't bought new shoes for a while, and I'm in the mood for having a new one, perhaps two... or three pairs of them. lol

I always want to own a pair of Converse sneakers. They're so cool, very popular, and the most important reason is they're affordable, not too pricey. However, I haven't bought them yet because I couldn't find the color and the pattern I like. So my searching would have to go on.

Dr. Martens is back into popularity again. I remember that almost 20 years ago, they were very popular among my friends. They gave you the tough look. Now, they're back with the colors, especially the neon colors, which are really cool.

Colorful sneakers are also in. Many brands these days make their own collection devoted to the colors. Nike and Reebok are my favorites. They're all so cute and cool that I can't decide which to buy.

However, even though how much I want new shoes, I have to decide well or they'll make me poor!

I would like to Own - A New Car

I have an old car. I drive it almost 7 years, but it is about 13 years for total using. I love to drive it, even though a car has a manual transmission or stick shift. My car has a lovely name, I called "Rose", because a color of this car is red.

Since last year, I had some car's problems. It could not move or ran not smooth because engine trouble and car's electric supply problems. It is dangerous for a woman who drives an old car alone at night. It is possible causes of an accident or happen something wrong related crime with me. If my car has problems and can not move on a deserted road at night and no people to help me. It is difficult to fix it by myself.

In addition, my father gave me a comment to change a new car for safety. Therefore, I should buy a new city car with optimum price as a Honda City car with reasons - value of money and benefits of use. I do not want to buy a luxury car, it is unnecessary for me. I would like to get a new car soon!

Saturday, October 17, 2009

Our Ideas for Topics on the Blog

Here are the ideas you created in class on Friday for blog topics.

1. Pet(s)
2. A problem I have with English.
3. What I like to do in my free time.
4. "I'd like answers with other persons."
5. Favorite websites.
6. Lifestyle discussions.
7. Something unbelievable that happened in your life (a surprise).
8. An exciting or embarrassing story.
9. Diary entries.
10. Travels
11. Future goals.
12. A dream job.

Plus any new ideas that you have!

Happy writing.

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

My Teacher

I call Guo Ying (桂英老師) is my teacher, she looks fierce, but actually she is kind person. She helped me put things in perspective and recognize what is and what is not important, and she helped me understand how to write, read, and speak Chinese language. She taught me something new each and every day. For example, she usually give me homework same as my teacher (AUA) now, but she give me it a lot, such as some vocabulary we can’t remember that, she told we should write it more than one pages. First step I don’t want to do that, but it helpful me when we had exam. Some days she has cook and then often call we to eat with her, very nice person. So much missing her and I’d like to see her again.

Many Things from My Teachers.

Sriyapai School is the oldest school in Chumphon and this year we have cerebration because my school has the anniversary 111 years.
There are many teachers in my school and almost spend their time life in this school. So, when you come, you may see old teachers walking around. However, at this moment the old teachers need to retire, and spend their time to rest thus new teacher will instate.

The teacher that I like the most is the advisor in grade 11. His name is Virachai, but we call him “Bao Vee”. He is not only an advisor, but also a mathematic teacher. There are many reasons why I like him. First, Bao Vee makes the lesson easily to understand. He always explains a lot and has many examples to describe the exercises. Sometime he gives us difficult exercises to practice and prepares us to ready for entrance examinations. Next, he can make sure his students can trust him. When students have some problems or hard situations to decide, we can consult him and are gotten some suggestions that make us close to our teacher. Last, he is a funny person. He never angry with students, and make his students laugh, and enjoy with him. Finally, I wish he would be happy and healthy.

My Inspiring Teacher

When I study in high school, I like to read a book especial the comedy novella (Phon, Nikron, Grimngaun). Someday, my teacher, Miss Aree who teach the thai language asked me "How do you read a book, what is the meaning of story and who is a writer". I told her about the story is meaning and the writer is whom.

Anyway, she asked me again "How many contents in this book, a suggestion by whom and what are you a benefit in this book. Something I couldn't have the answer of her questions. Therefore, she taught me the trick of the reading I do well understand, when we start to read a book, we shall to read every letters in a book since the first letter to the last of letter because the writer need to tell us pass to the every letters.

Currently, when I read a book, I think of miss Aree every time and I will to read every letters in the book even a logo of a publisher.

Thank you miss Aree, you are an inspiring teacher of me.

A Valuable Experience for Primary School.

When I was young a little girl in primary school. I have a teacher name is Ms. Rodjana who is inspire me to study English. She is tall and thin. She looks a little fashionable because she always wore a full colours shirt with red mouth. She was very strict, but fair. She taught English language.

She has best tricks to remember vocabulary by sing a song and write vocabulary in the air. First, She composed song by herself. She mixed march melody song with vocabulary. It's easy to remember. I can concentrate and I enjoyed to study very much. And another way, write in the air. She told me we can written in the air anytimes for remember. Vocabulary can help me to improve my English. I studied better and faster. I almost got full note for this subject. She send me to contest with another school and I got first prize for section vocabulary. I'm so proud( lol). Then, I have problem about pronouncement. I can't correctly pronounce noun of match. She tried to teach me again and again and also teach all student in class, but she never give up. I really respected her. At that time, I hope when I grow up I will be just like my teacher.

Now, I live far away, but I often think about her song. I will never forgot her because it's valuable experience for high school. Love you my teacher.

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

An Inspiring Teacher

My teacher gave me a lot of precious things. Her name is Nittaya and everybody called “Tik.” She looks young because she has bobbed hair. She teaches Accounting at Kasetsart University. I was her student at first year in university. At first time, I saw her, she seemed unkind, strict and grouchy. A week later, I found that I misunderstood because she is a kind and reasonable teacher. She teaches easily to understand and pays attention to her students. She can remember all students about character and position of sitting. I was enthusiastic every time when I had class. So that I got A in this subject, I like it very much.

After I finished this course, I got part-time job as teacher assistance. A teacher who I helped same teacher that taught me Accounting. She assigned me to check student’s homework, filed and typed documents, and watched over students when they had examinations. She taught me how to do and please careful when you did. Sometimes she gave me treats such as Japanese food or MK Suki when we worked together on holidays. When I had problems, I usually asked her, and she always gave some good advice to me. Many things which she taught me, I bring them to help my job at the present time. She is one of the most lovely teachers who I love and respect.

Monday, October 5, 2009

The Holiday in Chiang Rai

If you have a long Holiday, you'll visit my hometown on this winter.Actually, I live in Chiang Rai Northern Thailand nearly border to Myanmar ,Laos and Southern China. There are so many places to relax.For example, "Golden Triangle" is pretty much a tourist attraction, the views across the river to Laos and Burma are breath taking.Second is "Wat Rong Khun" ,there is the art related Buddhist attraction in Chiang Rai, it's nice place.Next is "Phucheefah",there is good to see the sunrise and beach fog.Finally, If you would like to close the natural ,you must to visit my hometown and my city is most honored temple in Northern Thailand.

Bhutan "Land of The Peace"

Thai people knew the Bhutan country because a prince Jigme (currently he is the king of Bhutan) was join with our majestic reign sixty years ceremony.

Bhutan is a solitaly and peace country because the king is a leader of goverment and he had evaluate people by the GDH (GDH - Gross Domestic Happiness) while every countries had evaluate by GDP, I think, we should be imitate them.

Bhutan भूटान (Land of the Thunder Dragon) has a local animal are Tacin. They're look like a cow mix goat, and they are near extinction because we can find them in Bhutan only. Bhutan is a beautiful country and they have not an environmental pollution.

I hope, someday I will have a trip to Bhutan country.

Thailand, The Land of History.

Thailand locates in Asia near the equator. The figure of Thailand looks like the ancient axe. Thailand has many neighbor countries surroundings like The Union of Burma, Malaysia, Lao People's Democratic Republic, The Kingdom of Cambodia, est. Thailand has governed by royal family since about 1239. The royal lineage governing at this moment is Chakri dynasty.

Since about 1294, Thailand has had own language’s created by Pho Khun Ramkhamhaeng. At that age, Thailand was governed by paternalism because the population was less than now. In the age of Anachak Ayutthaya, Thailand had the prosperity in arts and cultures. The temple and the palace were beautiful like the heaven. The culture at that time was succeed until now for example making merit, hearing a sermon, Thai arts, Thai dancing, est. In addition, each part of Thailand was different culture. The northern has ceremony about Fawn. Fawn is a slow dancing. In the northeastern has Serng. Serng is a dancing but it fast than Fawn. The southern has No-ra. No-ra is a fabulous nymph in south of Thailand folklore stories. The costume using in No-ra likes a bird. This is a part of Thai culture. There are many things not mention here. If you want to know more, please visit Thailand.

Interesting in Germany

Germany!, In sixty-nine years ago this name is known a monster of the world because they is begun the world war II and that is night mare of the mankind.

Currently, I has impression three things of the Germany, the first is architecture, second a high technology and the many kinds of beer are the last thing.

The first, A Schloß Neuschwanstein castle is the great architecture. When you are stand in the Neuschwanstein - castle, I thought, you need to be a prince or princess same me. This castle is very beautiful. So, Dan neramit amusement park in Thailand mock up this castle.

The second, BMW is a high technology car. I likes a car in BMW brand because they is a smart and good capability.

The last thing, Germany have the many kinds of beer. Ten years ago I went to the Munich and every district produce beer of their brands and the guide told me, the kind of beer in Germany have more than one thousand brands. So, I test a beer every bus stop point between traveling from the munich city to Austria country, that is a many kind of beer, I didn't remember how many brands, but that was a good experience.

Are you interesting that?

Vienna In My Heart

Five years ago, I went to Vienna with my husband and our friends. We've been there about a week, and that was the amazing time of my life. Vienna is the capital city of Austria, but I'm not gonna describe all the details about it. Those information you can find from the travel guides. Let me tell you about my impressions.

At first when I stepped out of the airport, the cool wind welcomed me. It was October and about 10 degrees Celsius. It was a little bit cold, but I loved it. At least, I well-prepared by bringing along my beautiful jacket which I bought specifically for that trip. However, the weather is not the only reason why I love Vienna. The most important reason is all those incredible beautiful places. There are so many historical places, churches, museums and art galleries. I can remember two places amongst all the places I love. First is MuseumsQuartier which is one of the world's largest cultural centres. There are seven museums in there, separated into each building. I spent all day there. I love Leopold Museum and Museum of Modern Art or MUMOK most. In Leopold Museum you can find major pieces by Gustav Klimt* and the world's largest Egon Schiele** collection. In MUMOK, I remember that there are many storeys in the building, but not sure how many. It contains also some of Egon Schiele's works and many of modern arts. On the basement floor, I remember that there were art that related about death, and it was scared me. Maybe that's why it located on the underground. The other place I love is Secession Building. Its noticeable building can easily seen by its filigree globe of entwined laurel leaves that decorated on the roof. Inside is Gustav Klimt's Beethoven Frieze. It is a painting along three walls by Gustav Klimt which is the most incredible beautiful painting I've ever seen. I love it so much that if I could visit Vienna again, I would go there undoubtedly.

Another thing on my impression list is that I think Vienna is the city for chocolate lovers. There are many confectioneries and cake shops all over the city. You should try Sachertorte at Hotel Sacher. It's chocolate cake and quite expensive. Actually, there are Sachertorte at almost every cake shops there, and they're cheaper. However, I think it's worth a try the original one. For the souvenirs, let's buy chocolate with Mozart picture on the package. There are various kinds so buy several. FYI, Mozart was Austrian, but wasn't born in Vienna. He was born in Salzburg.

* Gustav Klimt (July 14, 1862 – February 6, 1918) was an Austrian Symbolist painter and one of the most prominent members of the Vienna Secession movement. His major works include paintings, murals, sketches, and other art objects, many of which are on display in the Vienna Secession gallery. --from Wikipedia
** Egon Schiele (12 June 1890 – 31 October 1918) (German pronunciation: [ˈʃiːlə], approximately SHEE-luh) was an Austrian painter. A protégé of Gustav Klimt , Schiele was a major figurative painter of the early 20th century. -- from Wikipedia

Sunday, October 4, 2009

Let's you go to Shanghai

2 months ago ,I went to Shanghai.I chose to go there because,Shanghai is my favorite place.There are a lot of big and smart buildings. Some buildings can tell me about the history of Shanghai.I visited to The Oriental Pearl. Well, I went to on the top of the Oriental Pearl and looked around let 's me say Wow!It's very nice place I saw a lot of building and long river.

On the night time I went to Nanjing road .Nanging road is a famous street .There are many people and tourist .And I have one place it can't to forget to tell you, It's Huangpu river .I went to by boat .So in the shore have a lot of colorful light .

well, I think next year I 'll go again.

Kyoto is an Interesting City in The World

Kyoto is an old capital city of Japan. It is a little city, but it is very interesting city in the world. Kyoto has high technology buildings, but it still has traditional homes and many ancient temples. The temples are mixed between Shinto, Zen and Buddhism such as a famous temple is called Kiyomizudera is mean "Pure Water Temple" is one of the oldest Buddhist temples in Japan and it is also on the list of UNESCO heritage sites. It made from wooden, but it is a strong temple. In Kyoto has another one famous temple is Kinkakuji "Golden Pavilion" is a Zen temple. I have been visited them last year. They are ancient temples with long historical stories, but I think they still look good and not damaged.

Japanese cultures such as traditional wedding, greeting and Japanese tea ceremony are fantastic. In Kyoto has natural places to travel, many popular areas for cherry blossom viewing such as Maruyama park, Kamogawa river side and Daigoji temple. They are very romantic places, good to have picnic and events under cherry trees.

However, Kyoto is an old capital city of Japan which has long time history, but it still be lead of new fashion trend and good transportation in the world. Therefore, Kyoto is an amazing and interesting city which mixed of Japanese traditional cultures and modernization.

Come to Visit Pai.

Pai in Northern Thailand is just a tiny town half way between Chiang Mai and Mae Hong Son. Pai is my dream. I would like to go to there but I don't have same time with my friend. Because I work at the hotel. Normally, I don't have day off on Saturday and Sunday or Public Holiday.

My colleage went to there and told me about Pai. The air is fresh and cool. The surroundings of Pai are very beautiful, nice, and quiet. The citizens of Pai live their lives with a spirit of generosity and a sense of community. And they have many activities; ride a bicycle or elephan and float rafting for see the atmosphere of Pai. My friend took a lot of picture. It's very interesting.

Anyway, I think end of this year.I have plan to go to Pai with my friend.

JJ Market is cool!

My favorite place in Bangkok is JJ market. I usually go to JJ market with my friends on weekend. The full name of JJ market is Jatujak market ,but frequently called “JJ market”. It is the largest market in Bangkok. There are many vendors and shops. I go shopping many things, such as fashionable clothes and shoes, new and old books. The most important reason that I like to go shopping in there are low prices and good quality. I can negotiate price as low as the seller can accept. It is easy and comfortable to go JJ market. There are many transportations, for example, by bus, by sky train (BTS) and by underground train (MRT). I feel fun, excited and relaxed when I have good time in JJ market.

Thursday, October 1, 2009

Some Few Tips To Help With English

Today I want to share some tips to help with English language. At least it works for me.

Since I was a kid I love to read almost everything even the catalogue. I found out that reading catalogues can help me learn vocabularies because they come with the pictures. I think it's fun and easy to remember when words come with the pictures.

The music also helps me. When I find any song I like, at first I try to figure the lyrics out by myself, after that I search for them on the internet. I suggest The benefits are I learn words and sentences, and I can sing along too.

I hope these tips can help. Do you have any? Please share.

Wednesday, September 30, 2009

The Proposal You Should See This Movie - Morn

I hope anybody known or have seem about "The Proposal"which is recently showing theater. Actually, I got a free ticket from my anuty and my anuty said, it was not sound interesting to her,so she then asked me to find a friend to go with me to see this movic. I was so happy a very funny and excited movie to me. That I went to see this movie,because this movie gave me very happy and relaxing my daily be serious.

Finally I'd like to tell all my classmate and including all friends in our aua.Should go to see this movie, you will then never miss this movie.

The Most Scared in My Life

On April 2009, I went to Similun Island with my brother and my colleagues about 9 persons. It is in Phang-nga province in the south of Thailand. We drove 2 cars started from Bangkok at noon and arrived Phang-nga in the next early morning.

After that we took a speed boat to Similan Island. On the way to Island, we dropped in the sea and snorkeled (used snorkel and swam to see marine animals and corals). At the first place, when I snorkeled, I had a colic and nausea because I slept not enough and it had strong waves in the sea. Therefore, when I got on the speed boat again, I vomited. After that I got better and enjoyed it.

A next day in Similun Trip, we had many place to snorkel. At the last place, tour guides dropped us far from the snorkel position because there was many stones in the sea and the boat couldn't go. Meanwhile my friends and my brother went down to the sea, I took photos for them. So that I was the last person who went down. At the same time, I went down and started to snorkel. I snorkeled for a long time but I didn't see my friends. I only saw dark blue water around me. I was lonely and very scared. Therefore, I showed up my head to see where they were. Suddenly, I was very far from they and boat. My brother beckoned his hand and swam to me. He asked me "Are you OK? Why are you here? This is danger zone.". I was very tired because the strong waves carried me away. He helped me through swam and pulled me to secure zone. When I got there, the sky was dark look like rainstorm will come. We hurry went on the boat and after that there was much rain.

My Dream Career in The Future.

Education is important to me because it make me have knowledge, responsibility, discipline and other things that we need to use in the society. Importantly, we need education for getting the job and promoted ourselves to higher position. This is a normal situation at this moment.

Now I am a freshy in Chulalongkorn University in faculty of commerce and accountancy. Before I chose this faculty, I had studied a lot. I wanted to know this faculty study about what and when I graduate what kind of the job I can do. This was a hard work for student from high school but I could complete it. Now I am studying in faculty that I love, the subject that I like even thought my grade will not good. However, I will do the best and try to be a good logistic manager that follows my dream occupation.

Why the Time is important for me By A

Time is good word and improtant for me .Because I have many activity to do everyday .I don't have free time to watch the movie dinner with friends and vacation.My schedule is full everyday.

For example my work start at 8.30 am. and finish at 7.30 pm. after work I have english class on Monday Wednesday and some Friday.Usually, I use 2 hour to learn english,then I arrive home about 10.00 pm. Saturday I have part time job .The end of week, Sunday I go to church in the morning I learn bible and worship my God I spend time at church whole day .Everyday when I arrived to my home I used time to check an email and sometime chat with friends until midnight I sleep midnight everyday.I'm bore and sometimes I felt tired and I forgot my parent but I think the life is short .

I would like to do everything I like .I thought when I die I don't have a chance to do.This is my reason The time is important.

Have a great day everyone.

Let Me Introduce You My Hometown

My hometown is Nakhon Nayok. It is a peaceful province in the middle of Thailand. It is a little town near Bangkok, take a time only one and a half hours to arrive there. Almost people called this province is a green area. Because, it does not have industrial factories and pollutions. It is a good idea to preserve the environment and natural heritage in my hometown like a function of human lungs. The nature provides fresh air as high Ozone or Oxygen to us. Currently, our Earth has many global warming and environment issues. It is very important to protect the natural resources.

Nakhon Nayok has many interesting natural places such as the famous rain forest mountain is called "Khao Yai" located in The Khao Yai National park and the other are waterfalls - Wang Ta Kai, Nang Rong and Sarika. You can enjoy many outdoor and extreme activities such as canoeing, bicycling, ATV driving, mountain climbing, fishing and swimming. You can have a good time to have fun and fully relax. Let's visit my hometown - Nakhon Nayok!

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

My Corner Rest in Workday - Dao

My happy time in workday may happen from a little pet. My office is stay next area part of Kasetsart University. There are many government sectors coexist in here, one in that is my love friend’s office call CITES. Her office responsibility about import/export plants that necessity has area work width enough. My happy and laugh begin here because it have a male fat cat “Nueng” (means number 1) which very lovely, smart, naughty and I think he can understand human languages or what I and my friend talk to him.

Almost everyday after launch I came to him and have a funny time before second work time in afternoon. My friend and I playing with him that make us fresh and laugh together. We take dry squid for him in many time or a little something else but Nueng choose eat too much my friend had try several feed else for him but useless @(-_-)!@. However we might be miss him if he doesn’t here one day but we think that time is not early because he is healthy and so young. And this is my corner rest in workday story.

The University of Fine Arts.

Silpakorn University is my favorite place. I like to go to there because when I study here, it's make me happy and funny.

Silpakorn is different from another University. Because student don't have uniform. They can choose their own clothes. Student can express their personalities. Both look good and strange.
For example, P' Jato (จ่าโท), he study painting. He like to wear second hand shirt and pants. His hair is FOO FOO never touch shampoo long time hahaha. His face look like barbarian, never smile.But he is very nice and generous. When I ask him for help he never refuse me.Then, I know that don't decide people from outside.

On Sep 15, I must to go here every year. Because this is memorial Day at Silpakorn. They have many activities; concert , shop souvenir for clothes, necklace and ring. Moreover, at 20.00 pm. We have to make light candle and sing a song Santa Luccia for recall my prof. Sil Bhirasri.

What Constitutes a Happiness for People? - Somsak

"HAPPINESS" This word is simple but we cannot hold these feeling forever.

All people need a happiness and I need too. The happiness each person has a difference, someone do eating, watch a movie, have a lot of money, ect.

My happiness is a travel with my life partner to an other place expectancy I never go and test a delicious food in local place. However, I will more happy if I can control the schedule and budget for a trip.

Currently, Thai people will happiness if our king a good health and I believe every one pray for our majestic has a good health and "Long Live the King".

Thursday, September 24, 2009

This is Tukta

My nickname is Tukta. I'm 32 years old. I'm married for almost 6 years and have no children yet. I live with my mother, my husband and two cats, Namtarn and Tub-ped. They are so lovely.

After I graduated from the university, I worked as a casting director for music video and advertisement for about 5 years and quit because of the tense of the job. Now I work at home as an animator for mobile download. I only work 1-2 days a week so it's kinda like a part-time job to me.

In my free time, I love to go shopping with my friends, mostly Siam area. I also love to see the movies. It's the family's activity. My mother loves the big mega-project movies, my husband loves the art and independence movies, and I love almost every kinds. I love to read too. I read fashion magazines, fictions and literatures. My favourite books are Harry Potter series, Sophie's World, Life of Pi and the series from Patricia D.Cornwell which is my favourite author.

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

A Little About Myself - Supinya

Hi everyone,

My name is Supinya. My nickname is Aey. I was born at Nakhon Nayok province. I am an eldest sister of family. I have 2 yourger sisters. Currently, I work for Procter & Gamble (Thailand) company (P&G) for almost 6 years. The P&G is an American company which produces consumer products in many brands such as Pantene, Head&Shoulder, Oil of Olay and others. I am a Site Microbiologist. I work in QA department. My responsibilities are Micro lab management such as when we detected bacteria or pathogen in finished products, also I handle investigation to find the root caused of contamination. Most of all, I enjoy to work here because I have good colleagues.

Currently, I live at Bangna district nearby Central Bangna shopping mall. It's convenience to go shopping, see the movies and exercise at the fitness center. I am a member of fitness first, I like to do bicycling, body combat and body jam classes. I also like outdoor sport activities such as swimming, diving and playing tennis. In reason to exercise it reduces my stress after working long day and good for my health. When I have a chance time off from work on long vacation. I would travel to upcountries or abroad. It is a good relaxing time and recharge my life. Especially, Thailand has many natural interesting places. I would go to climbing mountains in the north of Thailand. And I like to diving the ocean in the south too. So, I love to travel in Thailand.

In my spare time, I like to chat in MSN messenger and access internet searching. Sometimes I practice English grammar from internet by reading and listening to live radio news in BCC website. But, it is quite difficult to understand because of speaking too fast. In the other skill - writing I always use wrong grammar. Therefore, I would like to improve English skills. These are reasons that I made decision to register the courses - General Writing 1 and Natural English at AUA.

A Little About Me- Suthiluck

My name is Sutthiluck Pakdee and please call me Zine. I'm graduated from Silpakorn University. My faculty is Archaelogy, major is French and minor is English. Now, I work at Centre point Langsuan. I'm receptionist.

When I stydy at the University. I have chance to go to USA with programe Work and Travel for 3 months. My team has 7 people. I stay in Virginia provice. My first job is customer service at Supermarket. But I don't success this job very well. Because I didn't understood customer when they came to asked me. I could not understood English language. Then, I find a new job another place. I apply to I-Hop restaurent to waitress but my skill is poor hahaha. I try to practice to remember the menu. Because some menu have to ask guest about kind of meat and egg : rare,medium,well-done. And some menu include soup, salad and french-fried. All of the menu have to remember which one include. I'm trainee just 1 week. And I give up. My boss is very nice. She offer me to change the position to dish washer and I like it. Because it's easy and I feel good. Two week before I came back to thailland, I traval in USA : New York, Washington D.C and Outlet. I like to go to outlet because they have a lot of thing to shopping. I can buy watch, cloth and bags for my family and friends. And I also spend my money. Only 3 months in USA, I got a lot of experience for work and can also earn money to use for travel. It's very enjoyable.

I like to spend my free time with my friends. On my day off I like to go to shopping with friends at JJ market or Central Lao-praw because near my home. When I'm at home I spend an hour on the computer , usually play facebook, Hi5, and check e-mail. I like to exercise but not too much. I will go to True Fitness for play YOGA when I feel stress or bored. It's very relaxing.

My life - Nun

My name is Nun.I live in Pomphab ,Bangkok that near Bobe tower.My favorite food is a Tomyam.I love to watch TV and read a book in free time.My friends and I like to go to see a movie and try new food.

A Little About Myself - Somsak

Hi! The best class at AUA Language Center. My name is Somsak and the nick name is Somsak. I'm a employee of Diethlem Limited company, I work with this company twenty three years ago, Someone think that is long time ago but I think a normaly because I happy to work with my company.

I born in the south of Thailand (Trang province), after I finish a high school I came in Bangkok. Then, I graduated the Ramkamheng university, my major is a Economic investment and I has a intention for a job is upcountry salesman because I need to see the differentiate sociality every provinces in Thailand. Anyway, three years ago I has been promoted to supervisor and a manager later seven years ago. However, I was visit all provinces of Thailand. I think that is a big experience.

The general writing 1 class is importance for me because I report (english version) the situation of a customer to my boss every day. Currently, we use the experience for job only didn't enough.

Anyway, I glad to see all friend this class and hope every one to enjoy for learning.

A little About Myself-A

Hi everyone
My name is Anchalee but you you can call me A .I'm from Uttardit province .I have one younger brother.He have 2 Sons and 1 daughter.My family have 8 persons.Unfortunately, I live in Bangkok alone.
Because, I'm work in Bangkok.My office at Yaowaraj road.I'm sales executive and my company is import and export. Well, product is textile .I'm work at there 8 years.Sometimes I must go to work at China.I can speak Chinese language a little bit.
I was graduated from Suan Sunandha Rajabhat University about 5 year ago.So I like to learn english . I have english class on Monday Wedesday and some Friday after I work.Well, I learn english because I would like to improve my english skill .

Who I am - Phing

My name's Phing. I'm from Narathiwat. I have one sister and one brother, both of them are younger than me. I work at Bangkok Bank as a business performance analyst for 5 years. Now, I am studing English at AUA. I want to improve my English skill. Especially, I want to improve Writing skill.

I graduated in Bechelor Degree from Kasetsart University. I studied about management in Management Science Faculty. About Three years later, I graduated in Master Degree in the same field from King Mongkut's Institute of Technology Ladkrabang.

I love travelling and taking a photo. When I will have a long holiday, I and My colleage set program to take a trip. Therefore, we will travel all year. I think, it's a good time for relaxing. Next time, we are going to go Surin Island in Phang-nga. Do you want to join with us? Let's take a break!

The Youngest Boy in The Class. : It

Hello, My name is Pongsiri Sukprawit. You can call me It. Now I am studying in Chulalongkorn university in faculty of commerce and accountancy. In Bangkok,I stay with my older sister in the apartment at Victory Monument. Actually,I come from Chumphon . My hometown is a small province and not busy like Bangkok. If you have a vacation, I suggest you to travel in my hometown.

My parents are gardeners, they plant a lot of native fruit. I have 2 sisters, one young and one old. My older sister study in the university too. My younger sister study in grade 7 in Sriyapai School.

Before I study in the university I used to study in Sriyapai School. This school I had a lot of friends and they usually helped me when I needed. Now they graduated from this school and seperated to the university. Sometimes I called them to watch the movies , go shopping and do other activity. In Sriyapai school, my adviser was very kind. They taught me a lot.

A Little About Myself-Dao

My name is Wijittra Maha-ut. I am a student in General Writing 1 class which Teacher Micheal. The class start at 7-9 pm on every Monday and Wednesday then every other Friday. My work place is at Agricultural Attention Department on Pahonyothin road in the area part of Kasetsart University. The distance between my work place and AUA Ratchadamri about 20 kms but I have around 1 hour for go

About Myself - Jan

Currently I work at SALA Resort Resorts and Spas ( Based in Bangkok) and for the resort are on Phuket and Samui island. My job is about Sales & Marketing. I love this kind of job. It is challenging and interesting job.

I studied in the university for 4 years , major tourism and hotel management. During I study , I am a trainee at one of 5 star hotel in bangkok however it was that smooth as I thought the supervisor assign me to do a housekeeping which had to clean up the room and bathroom for 3 months. After I finished this course I thought I might not work in this hotel industry any more because

A Little More About Myself - Michael

In my first "About Me" post, I said that I like to read. I didn't always enjoy reading. I think I first enjoyed reading when I was in college, when I started to read "The New York Times." Quickly, I learned that I could stay in touch with the world by checking the paper every morning.

Then, I took a class about the history of New York City. We read a biography about a very famous city planner, Robert Moses. The name of the book was "The Power Broker," and it was written by Robert Caro. It's a huge book - more than 1,000 pages. I enjoyed reading about how New York City was modernized in the 20th Century, and how this one man played such a big role in the city's development.

Recently, I discovered that Robert Caro wrote other biographies. He wrote a 3-volume biography about an American president, Lyndon Johnson. Johnson was president when I was a young boy, in the 1960's. Those were very difficult times for the US because of social changes and the war in Vietnam. I started to read these biographies and I'm almost finished with the third one. Like "The Power Broker," they are huge. Each is more than 1,000 pages. Sometime I think it's amazing that I have read 3,000 pages about one person, but I love how Robert Caro writes, and his books really hold my interest. The only problem is that the books are so heavy! I can't take them with me when I travel around Bangkok.

About Me - Michael

Hi everybody. I'm a teacher and supervisor at AUA Language Center in Bangkok. I spend most of my time in the office, but I love when I get to teach a class! I usually teach Special Courses, because part of my job is to manage them.

Before I came to Thailand, I lived and worked in New York City for about twenty years. Mostly, I worked as a city planner and in the music business. I was also a classical radio announcer for a few years, which was fun. I studied city planning in university, and played the french horn in college.

I like to spend my free time at home or with friends. Mostly, I really love to read and work in the garden. I also like to build things, like cabinets, and fix things around the house. Sometimes I cook, but I'm no expert! On weekends I like to get together with friends, go to restaurants or a movie, or just meet for a coffee. I spend an hour or so on the computer every day, usually reading the news, writing emails, or doing projects for work. Sometimes I go swimming at the Navy sports complex near Bitec. Soon I hope to buy a bicycle and explore my new neighborhood, Bang Na.

Monday, September 21, 2009

Term 6, 2009

Welcome to our class blog. This is where we can share ideas, news, and get lots of extra practice writing. We'll use this blog as an informal way to build our writing and reading fluency. I hope everyone visits and uses the blog several times a week. If you have time, explore the potential of our blog. For example, you might want to learn how to add pictures and links to videos. The more we use our blog, the more fluent we become!

See you online and in class!