Wednesday, September 30, 2009

The Most Scared in My Life

On April 2009, I went to Similun Island with my brother and my colleagues about 9 persons. It is in Phang-nga province in the south of Thailand. We drove 2 cars started from Bangkok at noon and arrived Phang-nga in the next early morning.

After that we took a speed boat to Similan Island. On the way to Island, we dropped in the sea and snorkeled (used snorkel and swam to see marine animals and corals). At the first place, when I snorkeled, I had a colic and nausea because I slept not enough and it had strong waves in the sea. Therefore, when I got on the speed boat again, I vomited. After that I got better and enjoyed it.

A next day in Similun Trip, we had many place to snorkel. At the last place, tour guides dropped us far from the snorkel position because there was many stones in the sea and the boat couldn't go. Meanwhile my friends and my brother went down to the sea, I took photos for them. So that I was the last person who went down. At the same time, I went down and started to snorkel. I snorkeled for a long time but I didn't see my friends. I only saw dark blue water around me. I was lonely and very scared. Therefore, I showed up my head to see where they were. Suddenly, I was very far from they and boat. My brother beckoned his hand and swam to me. He asked me "Are you OK? Why are you here? This is danger zone.". I was very tired because the strong waves carried me away. He helped me through swam and pulled me to secure zone. When I got there, the sky was dark look like rainstorm will come. We hurry went on the boat and after that there was much rain.


  1. Hello. P'Phing
    I suggest you to see "The Proposol".
    About your story I think if I were you, I'm so afraid and don't know what should I do. However,I think you are lucky.
    Be careful.

  2. What a scary experience you have! I also ran into something like this many years ago. I snorkeled in the sea and the waves brought me away from the boat. I was too tired to swim back. My husband had to come and bring me back to the boat.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. I had same expirience like you and Tukta. When I snorkelled in the sea at Surin island four month ago. I had fun and enjoyed to take photo while diving. The wave brought me away from my friends. I did not see any friends and boat. I felt fear and tried to swim to find them, but i was not clear for the direction and which is my boat. I tried to control my feeling and continued to swim. Then, I found a boat, but it was not mine. I changed the direction to find another boat again. In finally, I found my boat and my friends already sit inside. It is a very exciting trip for me!!

    Your writing topic and main idea are clear and very interesing. So, I followed your story until end. Good verb tense and out line.

  5. I can't swimming. It's terrible.

  6. Phing, I agree with you, You's situation is a scare because the dark blue water is very deep.

    In six years ago, I studied a scuba diving class with my staffs and we had a diving trip at Chumporn province.

    My experience, a consciousness is a very important, when you live under water, you has a sound of breathe only if you excited for something, you will lost control a body, that is a dangerous in your life.

    "Consciousness" is necessary in everyday life.


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