Thursday, September 24, 2009

This is Tukta

My nickname is Tukta. I'm 32 years old. I'm married for almost 6 years and have no children yet. I live with my mother, my husband and two cats, Namtarn and Tub-ped. They are so lovely.

After I graduated from the university, I worked as a casting director for music video and advertisement for about 5 years and quit because of the tense of the job. Now I work at home as an animator for mobile download. I only work 1-2 days a week so it's kinda like a part-time job to me.

In my free time, I love to go shopping with my friends, mostly Siam area. I also love to see the movies. It's the family's activity. My mother loves the big mega-project movies, my husband loves the art and independence movies, and I love almost every kinds. I love to read too. I read fashion magazines, fictions and literatures. My favourite books are Harry Potter series, Sophie's World, Life of Pi and the series from Patricia D.Cornwell which is my favourite author.


  1. Wow!!! You're 32 years old. I don't believe it. Because your face like a young girl.55++

    Nice to meet you na ka

  2. Oh! Your profile are very interesting. I think same Zine's comment,you look so young. Nice to meet you too!

  3. I think so!! It's not impossible. You are 32 years old. You look younger!! Your profile is interesting.

  4. Nice to meet you Tukta.Let's me say Wow ! We were born same year.So it hard to believe 32 year old because you look yong.

  5. Hello Tukta
    You look so young like a doll such as your name. In last class you said you think we are same age but I don't think so you are younger than me sure and it's true 555+.
    Well, nice to meet you in our class ja.


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