Tuesday, October 13, 2009

An Inspiring Teacher

My teacher gave me a lot of precious things. Her name is Nittaya and everybody called “Tik.” She looks young because she has bobbed hair. She teaches Accounting at Kasetsart University. I was her student at first year in university. At first time, I saw her, she seemed unkind, strict and grouchy. A week later, I found that I misunderstood because she is a kind and reasonable teacher. She teaches easily to understand and pays attention to her students. She can remember all students about character and position of sitting. I was enthusiastic every time when I had class. So that I got A in this subject, I like it very much.

After I finished this course, I got part-time job as teacher assistance. A teacher who I helped same teacher that taught me Accounting. She assigned me to check student’s homework, filed and typed documents, and watched over students when they had examinations. She taught me how to do and please careful when you did. Sometimes she gave me treats such as Japanese food or MK Suki when we worked together on holidays. When I had problems, I usually asked her, and she always gave some good advice to me. Many things which she taught me, I bring them to help my job at the present time. She is one of the most lovely teachers who I love and respect.


  1. So quikly!!!!
    I'm not finished yet loey T T

  2. I like yr topic. "My teacher gave me a lot of precious things."

    I forgot to use ...one of most... I like this sentence.

    Finished leaw.......YEAH TT

  3. I hope I will get A in some subjects and I like you experience. It must be cool.

  4. I think like N'Zine. I like this sentence " My teacher gave me a lot of precious things". It's academic writing! hehe!

    Your teacher is very nice and you are also a very good student!!!


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