Saturday, October 31, 2009

The Last Day in General Writing 1 Class!! (but not the end)

I impressed the last day in General Writing 1 Class. We had a small party at class, but it was a pleasure party. While we were studying in this class. It was great time. Our class was warm and lovely. Our friends are friendly. Our teacher, Michael is kind and smart. He is an inspiring teacher to help us to improve writing skills. Before I learnt in this class, I didn't like to write in English and I didn't know a good process of writing. However, I got them from this class. Michael taught us to know a lot in writing such as how to use punctuations, word form, word order, SVA and create mind map. We got advantages to improve our writing. Therefore, we would like to tell you from our minds with loud sounds "Thank you very much a lovely teacher - Michael!!". Hope see you in a writing class again!!

Dear all friends,

I would like to invite all of you to continue to practice our writing skills by posting and comment in our blog. I would like to keep our blog, although some friends continue to study in next course - General Writing 2, you can share idea and access in this blog. We would like to keep in touch with everybody. We are friends. We have good memory in this class. I hope this blog as a center, we can meet together!! I miss you all!! (^ ^)/


  1. Don't quiet everybody, make a sound in our blog!!

  2. Make louder sound and colorful into our blog pleasssssss!! especially N'Zine 555++++

  3. I agree with p'Aey. Before I studied in GW1, I think it would be boring and our classmate would be acquaintances like the other Special Courses. However, during we studied this course together, I got a lot of precious things. First of all, GW1 isn't boring, but it's very fun for know more in this skill. Because Mike is a good teacher, we are good students too! [555]...Thank u teacher Mike. Then, our classmates are so cute and friendly such as Zine who is the loudest voice and funny person, P'Aey who is like to look for s'one good looking..55, P'Tookta who is a genius person and always looks young, P'A who is try hard to pass the certificate test, N'It who is like a talking dict because he knows lots of vocaburary, Morn who is the tallest person in this class. I want to keep in touch with everbody too! Keep..keep our Blog..Love--Love--Joobu--oobu

  4. okay I 'll try to writing .and I hope you meet you and friends soon.

  5. ิีิbusy ja.. Hope see you all next week !!

  6. Really!!! I'm loudest in class. lol
    I'm so saddddd mak mak.
    I missed on the last day.

    Miss u all guys. :)

    C u on GW2.

    I agree with Phing.

  7. You talk a lot.
    I'm so busy because I have a lot of activity in my university(Loy-Kratong Day.

  8. On Loy Kra Tong's Day. I went to CU too!, but i didn't see N'It. There were a lot of people. It was the 1st time at CU for Loy Kra Tong. My friends wanted to come again in next year because there were many cute guys. We were exciting when we saw a game near the entrance door. There were many men who worn only boxer and waited for someone throw something which they bought. I think it was just a game for fun which I never seen before.

    How was your Loy Kra Tong's Day?

  9. I didn't go anywhere on Loy Kratong Day. Actually, I totally forgot it. Maybe the mood on festival gradually slipped from my mine when I get older. I know I make myself boring, right? Next year I'll try again.

    Anyway, I miss all of you. Please keep writing on the blog na ka.

  10. P'Phing.
    I sold Kratong and Ka-nom Ko on the footpath near the overpass.
    The game that you saw was Pa-Wound(jelly).It belonged to Faculty of Science.
    Did you play it.
    I think you will brough a lot of jelly to throw them.

  11. Next year, we must suggest P'Aey to go with.

  12. Oh no...Nong It
    I didn't buy any jelly. I just looked only ka...55


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