Wednesday, October 14, 2009

A Valuable Experience for Primary School.

When I was young a little girl in primary school. I have a teacher name is Ms. Rodjana who is inspire me to study English. She is tall and thin. She looks a little fashionable because she always wore a full colours shirt with red mouth. She was very strict, but fair. She taught English language.

She has best tricks to remember vocabulary by sing a song and write vocabulary in the air. First, She composed song by herself. She mixed march melody song with vocabulary. It's easy to remember. I can concentrate and I enjoyed to study very much. And another way, write in the air. She told me we can written in the air anytimes for remember. Vocabulary can help me to improve my English. I studied better and faster. I almost got full note for this subject. She send me to contest with another school and I got first prize for section vocabulary. I'm so proud( lol). Then, I have problem about pronouncement. I can't correctly pronounce noun of match. She tried to teach me again and again and also teach all student in class, but she never give up. I really respected her. At that time, I hope when I grow up I will be just like my teacher.

Now, I live far away, but I often think about her song. I will never forgot her because it's valuable experience for high school. Love you my teacher.


  1. I written this story untill morning. TT hahaha...

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. BAT แบท ค้างคาว
    RAT แรท หนู
    CAT CAT แคท แมว
    BIN บินมันคือถัง
    PIN พิน เข็ม
    WIG วิกผมปลอม
    PIG พิก หมูอ้วนพี....เพลง มาร์ช

    ONE TWO THREE FOUR .... เพลง เจิน เจิน ต้องสู้ ถึงจะชนะ


  4. Please sing your English songs!

    I want to listen...(^0^)

  5. Yeah...
    I want to listen too.
    It must be funny.

  6. Write in the air that is well understand.
    I agree with you.
    Sometime, I teach a childen for count the number in the air they are happy and easy for them.

  7. Pls. show us sing English songs in our class. I would love to listen!! born to be a super star!!! Zine AF1!!


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