Monday, October 19, 2009

This is My Free Time

Even though I have a lot to do, but I still have some free time for leisure activities. On the weekends I usually spend time with CD player. Actually I love listening all the time, mostly pop music and R&B music, so when I have more free time, I went to sing a song at Central Rama 3 one hour to two hundred Bath, just Thai songs, but when I'd like to sing a English and Chinese songs, you'll going to Ratchada Road to many restaurants, there are have places to sing a song, maybe you could dancing too. One of my favourite things to do is to cook, I spent 1-2 hour to cook one method, because I often do on weekend and I don't want hurry to do it, and I remind everybody if you would like to taste my foods, you'll eat before I cook finish because my uncle have told me so terribly taste.LOL!!!!


  1. I can imagimation when you sing.

  2. I don't have time same my friends TT because I work different time with them.

  3. I love to sing a song same you.....

  4. I love to sing a song, but i don't want to be a sexy monkey ja!!! xoxo

  5. Maybe we all shall go to karaoke together someday, but I have to warn you, I'm very terrible with the singing.


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