Wednesday, October 14, 2009

My Teacher

I call Guo Ying (桂英老師) is my teacher, she looks fierce, but actually she is kind person. She helped me put things in perspective and recognize what is and what is not important, and she helped me understand how to write, read, and speak Chinese language. She taught me something new each and every day. For example, she usually give me homework same as my teacher (AUA) now, but she give me it a lot, such as some vocabulary we can’t remember that, she told we should write it more than one pages. First step I don’t want to do that, but it helpful me when we had exam. Some days she has cook and then often call we to eat with her, very nice person. So much missing her and I’d like to see her again.


  1. I want to learn Chinese too.
    Can you teach me some days ?

  2. Oh!...Chinese Language is difficult, I think.

  3. Wow!! smart lady!! I would like to practice to speak in chinese one day depend on if I have some chinese boyfriends!!! 555


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