Sunday, November 15, 2009

A Liltle Goal

I want to learn more to improve my English skills. In the past I did not use English Language for my job and my life. I could understand when I read easy passages, but I have big problems for the others skills such as Writing, Listening and Speaking. Therefore I started to study in English at AUA. When I was studying in the first course, I was very stressed out because I only understood some words when the teacher said and I could not answer to my friends and my teacher in English. At first, when I spoke in English, I usually thought in Thai sentences and translated to English sentences later. However, I didn’t know much in vocabulary, so it was hard to find the English words. I spoke slowly and often wrong.

Then I try hard to speak with my friends so that my Speaking skill gets better. My teacher advises me to read more, if I read more, I will see more sentences and know how these sentences consist of. My Reading and Writing skills are improving too. In the future, I have a little dream, I want to study abroad when I have good command in English. Therefore I keep try hard to learn in English and wait for the dream will become true.


  1. hehe...May I share my story in this blog?
    Even though it is our homework.
    And I think it will good if my friend share your story too!...

    Let's join together...

  2. I'm too busy ja this week. My new site has external audit ja.

  3. I like your post ja. And I really miss everyone from General Writing 1 mak mak. I wanna read from everyone again. Please continue posting na ka.


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