Tuesday, November 24, 2009

The Strange Seats

I was very scared in ghost, although I have never met before. I could not listen to, read, and see any horror stories. When I listen to, I often have a lot of imagination how that story go on and how it is frightening. After that I felt frightful. Moreover, I can not stay alone and do not sleep well all night because I have a nightmare.

About one year ago, my friend and I went to see a movie at Grand EGV, Siam Discovery. It was the first time for me to see a movie there. While we were buying tickets and looking for good located seats, I saw the space between seats on the screen. I asked a ticket seller why it had strange space in the middle of this row. He answered me that space had damaged seats. However, we chose seats in the same row where the abused seat was in. When we got into the pretty small theater, I found that a white string tied around two seats together. Those seats were closed to my seat. In this row, there were only my friend and I, nobody else. While I was seeing the movie, I often looked at those seats and could not concentrate on. I felt fearful and had many questions about what had happened, or why there were only us sitting in this row even though this row was a good position. Until a movie finished, we talked too much. We assumed that may be a couple died in those seats because there was a white string tied together. We would not see movies at that again in the future. When I see movies in the later, I usually look around every seat near my row.

Sunday, November 15, 2009

A Liltle Goal

I want to learn more to improve my English skills. In the past I did not use English Language for my job and my life. I could understand when I read easy passages, but I have big problems for the others skills such as Writing, Listening and Speaking. Therefore I started to study in English at AUA. When I was studying in the first course, I was very stressed out because I only understood some words when the teacher said and I could not answer to my friends and my teacher in English. At first, when I spoke in English, I usually thought in Thai sentences and translated to English sentences later. However, I didn’t know much in vocabulary, so it was hard to find the English words. I spoke slowly and often wrong.

Then I try hard to speak with my friends so that my Speaking skill gets better. My teacher advises me to read more, if I read more, I will see more sentences and know how these sentences consist of. My Reading and Writing skills are improving too. In the future, I have a little dream, I want to study abroad when I have good command in English. Therefore I keep try hard to learn in English and wait for the dream will become true.

Friday, November 13, 2009

How about General Writing 2!?

We already started to learn General Writing 2 on Nov 10, 09. Our teacher is so cute. She would like us to called her "Dee". The class's atmosphere is fun, but I felt sleepy too much because I go to bed late everynight. Professor "Dee" always has lovely smiles. On Thursday - Nov 12, she wore clothes look like Genie of the lamp in Araddin. Do you agree with me?? She is an attactive lady, maybe she has a magic. I love her laughing sound, it's cute!!

The last, but not ending "Do you finish writing homework??! Don't forget na ja!! Love you all xoxo!! Gossip Girl !!

Saturday, November 7, 2009

A Special Loy Kratong Day

It was fun to read about Loy Kratong, so here is what I did!

I went to Songkhla with another teacher from AUA. We were there for 3 days to have a workshop for AUA teachers in the south of Thailand. I didn't know that Songkhla was such a beautiful city! It has a wide beach that is lined with trees. There are a few quiet restaurants, but not a lot of development. There are also a lot of parks along the water. The streets are wide and clean, and many are lined with flowering "fung fah" plants - my favorite! There are a lot of government buildings too.

On Loy Kratong, we had dinner with a large group of people in an outdoor restaurant on the water. All around, people were lighting lanterns and releasing them into the sky. We saw hundreds of lanterns! After dinner, we lit our own - maybe 7 or 8 - and watched them float across the bay. It was so beautiful!!

I loved Songkhla, and I hope I can return there for a holiday. I'd like to ride a bike around the city and perhaps climb in the mountains nearby.

Congratulations to Khun Morn! And welcome to Term 7.

Hi everybody. It's great to see that people are visiting the blog!

I want to extend a big congratulations to Khun Morn, who took the Certificate Level re-test this week and passed! I know it's a difficult test, and it was great to see Morn persevere and win!

It was also great to see that Level 2 is open. A few new students will be joining the section. I told them what a great group you are - motivated, friendly and fun - so I hope you will welcome them.

I'll also speak to your new teacher, Demelza, and introduce her to the blog.

Please stop by the office to say hello. I will be on a new schedule for Term 7 (only), and not around too often in the evenings. But when I am, I will try to say hello!

Best wishes to everyone.